Wednesday, June 10, 2009

beb. i got nothing to post yahh. but i want to remind you that you still owe me the
"o8o9o7 Love History"
dont tell me you forget.. heh.
you know what, i miss 2oo7. heh, darling.
you know right.. cuit-cuit? (WHICH IS cute-cute)
ouh yes, pass me the book yah.. i want to read and correct certain things.
currently.. doing nothing. msn? with hamster.. pom-pom.. yah thats it.
im tired of clays.. and its true what hamster said. if forever like this
im v.sure i'll look like a pot or a vase or even a TILE. -_-' grr. hope its over... im getting bored yah. thats all! Nood-Nyte!
love gf:)



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