Wednesday, June 3, 2009


wow. i cant remember went was my last time blogging.. its been quite long yah.*reasons*
let me give a short brief on some of my activities that i did not put up on blog..

-on 28 of mAy,kakak bDae:nur HidaYah 23rd bdae.
we celebrated at Danga BAy. me and Dad were playing with the dr.Fishes too.
update photo later.

-29 MAy. went to kazz Nana hse to visit a new bby. add one to the Gani bin Rabu(gp)
fam-Ily tree.
update photo later.

-30 MAy . madrasah examinations. din study much. lucky enough ive done my practical solat.
pheww. and Hadis, i just tikam-tikam. ??
no-photos will be updated. exams cannot snap-snap.(:

.next, on that day itself
celebrate again kakak bdae including abang. he bought a cake as a bdae present,
mum bought for her a perfume, and me..
a water bottle. heee.that says.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
then, music time!! aper lagi...
karaoke lerr......
update photo later

-1 june : MT o-level .
a re-take fr me, as i got b3 the previous time... -_-'
i hope ive done my best and i pray to allah and hoping to get better grade.
no-photos will be updated.exams cannot snap-snap.(:

-2 june, went to mcRitchie, and walked for how many kilometres.
(Scratch head)
cant remember. almost 12? i think. hehe.
update photos later


went for chemistry lessons.
thought today was practical, but no.. haish.
after lessons. me,faten,mar,amy and aizat...
go play-play PLAygroUND. yeepee!
we were playing ice and water,anak ayam(maya) hahaha
and crocodile. hahks
no-photos will be updated.
>>kakak and mama bdae cake.
>>kyra herlena and muhd hidir.
>>aku tahan geli yee,geli tawuk kene gigit. (:

>>birthday girl.. Nur Hidayah Bte Hussin

>>malas nak rotate. tree top walk.
bf: im sorry if my words hurts yr feelings.
cos' thats what i feel.
love gf :)



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