Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday Blues :D

hola people.. first of all, I would like to wish baby matin a Happy Birthday. So fast already 1 yrs old. I could still remember last yr when he was born. It was on me and gf's anniversary. Hehe.

Second, I would like to wish gf a Happy Anniversary. Weehee!! I love youu bie.

About today, went to school at 9+ and studied. Tried to do last minute cramming. But turned out during the paper, I tikam-tikam(anyhow do). hahaha. I remembered falling asleep for at least twice. I'm very good right. Jyeah. I know. haha. Tmr will be having maths paper, now I'm not that sure about trigonometry. Haiya. Just do my best lor. Hehe.

Gf, I hope I can see you tmr. Got surprise! haha

thats it fellow Singaporeans. okay, lame. -_-

love bf:)


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