Saturday, May 30, 2009

my knee hurts!

ay-yo people! you miss me?haha. I miss you all too. Haha. OK lame. -_-

okay, fyi, I injured my knee on Wednesday night during futsal training. I landed wrongly on my foot and I felt as if I dislocated my knee. After I got up, I can't even walk right. I needed Malik's help to get me moving. Whenever I wanted to walk, it just felt as if my knee was gonna give way. I called my bro to pick me up. He had to cancel his jamming session with his band to fetch me. Thanks bro. When he saw my leg, he suspected that it was a muscle tear or something. Then I straight away thought, " SHIT, how the hell can this happen to me. Suay betul." Went home, fetch mum and then went to Gleneagles Hospital for check-up. Doctor told me to wait for 3 to 4 days. If it doesn't get better, I have to go for MRI scan which causes up to 950 bucks. Haiz. Unlucky me, I guess. They only gave me one day's mc but I also didn't go to school on Friday. Waste my energy just for one lesson. Yeah right. I could do the work at home.

Right now I can walk the stairs and walk normally, but not for long. For awhile, I would have to sit down. I can't straighten my leg right now and I can't bend my leg fully. There's an obvious swelling on my knee and surely there's something wrong with the muscle. Insyallah I hope I'll be okay soon. Pray for me people? I got my common tests coming in one weeks time. Haiz.

Gf, when I read your post I kinda makes me sad. Im scared right now. I don't want things to turn out like last time. I really miss your voice. Talk to me please. I really miss you :(

I miss wearing that green uniform

Thats it readers.

Love bf:)

Look into my eyes and tell me that you love me.


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