Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I miss you :(

Well, first of all, three words. I miss you. In class i keep thinking of you dear. I have no idea why. I miss your voice. I miss holding your hand. I miss laughing with you. I can't wait to see you. Insyallah we can meet during our 1 year 8 month Anniversary. :)

Okay, erm? Abt my day? It was okay. Workshop was fun. I had a 2 and a half hour break from 10.30 to 1. gerek ke pe. That was suppose to be our practical. We were told to listen to safety stuffs and other boring things. After the lecturer told us to sign on the paper to make sure we go by the safety rules, we could go. Great. A two hour practical cut down to 30 mins. Hehe.

Wanna know something? My friend, Aiman, and I went into this lift that was meant for wheelchair bound people. When we went in,we closed the door. I pressed the "UP" button, the lift jerked and I let go of the button. You know what's great? We got stuck. HAHAHA!. Both of us were like panicking already. My other coursemates stood outside. No, not helping us. Laughing at us. Yes, I said it. LAUGHING. Haha. Basket. Aiman tried pressing buttons and soon we went back down. Lucky no one else saw us cos, the lift has transparent walls. Haha.

I saw my primary school mate, Danial. (Fatin... Nope, wrong person) :) Hehe. I was at Makan Place, just finishing my late lunch. Heh. I was chatting with gf on msn, then my friend on msn asked me to look infront, find a guy in a black tee with orange hair. Siak ah. I don't even recognise him sia. Haha

Okay peeps, tommorow will be watching Wolverine at town with the guys. Hee. Can't wait. I actually wanted to go watch movie with gf but she dont want. Next time go out with me okay? Huhu.

Thats all. Bon Nuit. I Love You, Nur Hazwani Hussin

(Smart tak, syg?? :D)

Love bf:)


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