Sunday, May 10, 2009

happy mothers day to all respected moms.

o9.05.09 moon. (why not 08.05.09? hurhur.)
hahaha. the rubiks cat is cute kr.. :)
today madrasah was normal, went audi for some talk about mothers day. heh.
so no hidayah show. -_-' boring? abit.
halfway doing my art, still at sketches know. not yet colour. hahak. lazy-lahhh.
HAISH! (make it bold for someone,heh)
but luckily tomorrow no school, so this wk i got 2 days of NO-AlARM CLOCK day.
oh yes. thats my word specially for hols and wkends.heh. father bought mp4.
idk for what yah, hope he use. hahaha. wasted ajer. mom felt pist of with %^*((*^&$#. haiyoh
but i hope with kakak surprise gift she will feel happy.

the name is victorian romance.-by kakak.
so kr? for me? ..... hehehe
love gf


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