Wednesday, September 9, 2009

happy 2nd!

happy 2nd anniversary baby!

hey, I'm sorry for being a bad boyfriend or when I made you mad at me.
I'm so so so so thankful for everything you did for me. I love you soooooooooooo much baby. :D

We met up on the 7th, a monday. Then we did, "gift-giving". Haha. I gave her this kinda scrapbook with our love history inside, handwritten and thats why it spoil the gift. My handwriting was damn bad. What to do? Tsk Tsk Tsk. She gave me a jigsaw puzzle with our pictures in it. At the playground, she force me to do. Mampos aku. Haha. In the end, we pack up and went home. Got home and solve it.

Tada! Thank you syg. Lets go far and never stop okay............ hehe

love bf:)


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