Saturday, August 8, 2009

one more month:)

To gf
Happy 1 year and eleven months anniversary sayang
One more month tau
Then you can get your mushroom goreng. hehe

You people know how much I love her?
Let me count the number of stars in the whole galaxy
Try to count till infinity
Thats how much I love her

Eventhough I may cause problems that are quite bad for us,
you still stayed no matter what.
Thank you so much.
I can never find another girl just like you Nur Hazwani Hussin.
You're so special. :D


Yesterday, me and gf met up with Fatin, Bia and Usop. Wah.. miss those times man. hehe. Too bad Amy couldn't come. Klau tak dah triple date macam dulu. Haha.

I love this girl loads :D

Love bf:)


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