Saturday, September 5, 2009

dear, cant wait to meet you soon! And i'm very sorry to hear about you and your brother..
be patient dear, you have me and the rest of your family.. and your friends too.
busuk-busuk pon, die tetap your abg kn,beb. you have to accept that.
I would like to remind you not to hate your brother. he is someone who made you happy before.
and maybe after, once he realise his mistakes. I believe he will one day.
Beb, sorry ehk kiter dah lame tak jumper. i tgh busy and baru baik saket lagi.. hmm
080909 is coming ! 2 yrs lah dear.. :)
happy-happy ok.

People, o-level is just round the corner. haiyoo.
take care yahhhh .

love gf :)


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