Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hey Wani,

Happy 2yr 1 month anniversary. I still count the dates yeah. huhu. Miss you.
Love, Alif


Pangkor Island was fun. Damn tiring but damn fun. I got to know different people from different years. Everyone was friendly though. I tried a lot of new stuffs. No, I'm not talking about drinking. I don't even want that. I meant sports. I went through white water rafting, boogie boarding (cool shit!), beach volleyball and other stuffs. If not for my injured knee, I would have played more volleyball, I ended up lepak-ing on the shore myself, which was fun playing with the waves. I played ping-pong at the resort, it was like 4 years I last played it? haha. Overall, it was an enjoyable trip.

Nice right? See all the pics on facebook. haha


Came back last Thurs then was damn tired slept straightaway, woke up for prayers, came back and slept again. Haha. Then the next day, it was raya time with Hong Kah people.

My house was first, and when everyone started to get the "tour", they were like "wah". haha. Until asking whether they could stay. HAHA. it was fun, I finally got to carry baby idir. So cute!

Told ya. Cute right? haha. See lah who's the sister. :P
Okay people, gtg. Wani, miss you. Message me aite. Tata

Love kr :)


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